Somya Daundkar Biography

Somya Daundkar Biography

Somya Daundkar was born on 2002. Somya Daundkar is also known as Somya Daundkar, She is famous from Tik Tok. she has over 4.2 Million follower on Tik Tok. her age is (as in 2019) is "17 Years Old".

Somya Daundkar Wikipedia

Somya Daundkar is an Indian Tik Tok Star with over 4.2 Million follower on Tik Tok. he was born on 2002. stay tuned to check full biography of Somya Daundkar.

Somya Daundkar Age

Somya Daundkar Age

Somya Daundkar age is (as in 2019) is "16 Years Old.

Somya Daundkar Height & Weight

Somya Daundkar Height & Weight

Somya Daundkar height is 5.4 feet. Somya Daundkar Weight is 61Kg.

Somya Daundkar Boyfreind

Somya Daundkar Boufreind

Somya Daundkar boyfreind No Single

Somya Daundkar Body Measurment

Somya Daundkar measurment is 36-33-36 Inches. Somya Daundkar Bust size is 36 Inches, Waist size 33 Inches, Hips size is 36 Inches and Bra size is 32.